Saturday, December 1, 2012

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tag HTML Sederhana

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    Undangan Halal Bihalal


    Winantu sagunging pakurmatan mugi kunjuk.
    Kawula nuwun, ngaturi kawuningan mbok bilih Gusti Ingkang Maha Agung paringi berkah saha mboten wonten pambengan satubnggal punapa, keparengna kula nyuwun karawuhan Bapak / Ibu / Sdr mbenjang ing

    Dinten / Surya Kaping : Minggu, 11 Mei 2012
    Wanci Tabuh : 19.00 WIB
    Panggenan : dalemipun Bp. Iwan Prayudi

    Wasana menggah kawigatosan saha karawuhan Bapak / Ibu / Sdr. Sedaya dipun aturaken agenging panuwun.

    The Lost Hero

    Hello bloggers. So, now I want to tell you about one of my favorite book. I love reading, especially fantasy book like Harry Potter, The Twilight Saga, Percy Jackson and The olympians, etc. From all the books that I have read, I want to share one of my favorite book. The title is 'The Lost Hero'. The Lost Hero is included in 'The Heroes of Olympus' book series by Rick Riordan.

     The story begun with Jason Grace, a teenage boy that woke up realizing that he remembered nothing from his life even his name. He sat next to Piper McLean, who appeared to be his girlfriend and leo valdez, his bestfirend. they were on a trip to Grand Canyon along with their classmates. In Grand Canyon, a sudden storm came along with  the strom spirit. Their supervising teacher, Coach Gleeson Hedge, revealed himself to be a satyr, and helped fight the storm spirits. Jason surprised himself by using a sword disguised as a coin to fight off the spirits. During the battle Coach Hedge was captured while defending them. At the end of the battle, a flying chariot pulled by two pegasi lands next to them carrying two people; Annabeth and a boy named Butch. Annabeth was disappointed because she had a vision of Hera telling her that she would find a clue to her missing boyfriend, Percy Jackson, at the Grand Canyon. She was told to look for the "boy with the missing shoe" and she found Jason.

    Annabeth brought the three of them to the Camp Half-Blood where all the demigods (children of half god half mortal) could live safely and in peace. it appeared that Jason Grace was the son of Zeus and brother of Thalia Grace. Pipper McLean was the daughter of Aphrodite and Leo Valdez was the son of Hephaestus. After a few hours in the camp, three of them received an urgent quest to save Hera, the queen of the gods. Before the start of their journey Piper had a dream where one of Gaea's sons, Enceladus, told Piper that she should bring Jason and Leo to him in return for her father who is being held hostage.

    And so they started their first breathtaking quest and adventure, riding a mechanical bronze dragon. At the end, Jason got half of his memory back that he was belonged to the Roman not Greek where he was then. He was switched to Percy Jackson, Annabeth's boyfriend. Soon they would continue their adventure to rescue Percy.

    These are the main characters of The Lost Hero

    Jason Grace, a demigod son of Zeus. Jason suffers amnesia at the beginning of the book and is inclined to call the gods by their Roman names. He owns a coin that turns into a spear or a sword depending upon heads or tails, however it is destroyed during their quest. It is revealed that he is Thalia Grace's younger brother, as they have the same mother and though both also having the same father, Thalia was specifically born under the Greek aspect of Zeus while Jason was fathered by the Roman counterpart Jupiter. Thus, making Thalia a Greek demigod and Jason a Roman demigod. When Jason was two years old, he was taken from his mother and sister by Hera, and Thalia ran away from home shortly after that. It is also made known that he came from a Roman version of Camp-Half Blood before he lost his memory. He harbors feelings for Piper, but hides them, thinking that he was romantically involved with someone before, but can't remember because of his stolen memories.

    Piper McLean is demigod daughter of Aphrodite and Tristan McLean, a Cherokee movie star. At the beginning of the book, Piper claims to be Jason's girlfriend, but finds out that it was all the Mist's doing. She still shows strong feelings for him but keeps worrying that he was in a relationship in his past life. She does not show her feelings towards him, however. She has a dagger named Katoptris, previously wielded by Helen of Troy, that can show more than the holder's reflection. She also has the gift of charmspeak, the ability to persuade anybody to do anything. Few children of Aphrodite have had this ability, and none are living in her time that can match her in power. She acts a little tomboyish, despite being a daughter of Aphrodite. She is 15 years old. Her eyes change color from green to brown to blue. She has choppy, uneven brown hair.

    Leo Valdez is a demigod son of Hephaestus and Esperanza Valdez. Leo claims to be Jason's best friend at the beginning of the book, and although that was a trick of the Mist, he and Jason do become good friends as they get to know each other on their quest. He has a magical tool belt that will produce any tool he requests, though should be able to find in an average mechanical shop. Leo repaired the bronze dragon Festus. He can also create fire from nothingness, a rare ability sometimes given to Hephaestus's children.

    The Tugu Tani Accident

    The four people in a car that crashed into a group of pedestrians, killing nine, will each face several drug charges that could land them in jail for up to 12 years, police said on Tuesday.

    But the absence of a specific offense for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol means the prospect of more severe charges against the driver involved in the weekend’s carnage in Central Jakarta is limited.

    “The four suspects will face layered charges,” said Sr. Comr. Nugroho Aji, the Jakarta Police’s narcotics chief.

    He added that the charges being prepared would carry jail sentences between four and 12 years. He explained that the driver of the car and her three passengers would be charged with violating the 2009 Narcotics Law, as they are suspected of having been in the possession of drugs, having used drugs and having consumed drugs together with others.

    The officer said that the four had admitted to taking ecstasy pills and drinking alcohol at a disco in the Hayam Wuruk area of West Jakarta and at a cafe in Kemang, South Jakarta. They said they were new to the drug scene.

    “Their urine tested positive for methamphetamine. Based on that, we declared them drug suspects,” Nugroho said.

    The four, identified as driver Afriani Susanti, 29, and passengers Adistira Putri Grani, 26; Deny Mulyana, 30; and Arisendi, 34, were in a Daihatsu Xenia that swerved off the road at Tugu Tani on Sunday morning, smashing into a group of people.

    National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Saud Usman Nasution said that the car was found to have been traveling at no less than 90 kilometers per hour at the time of the accident. Air pressure in the car’s front tires also was not optimal, adding to its instability at high speed, Saud said.

    Nugroho said the four told police that they had “only” used drugs twice. He said police would check the various sites and clubs mentioned by the suspects.

    Sr. Comr. Dwi Sigit Nurmantyas, the head of the Jakarta Police’s traffic department, said that the driver of the Xenia would also face multiple charges based on the Traffic Law and the Criminal Code. “The heaviest is the violation of Article 310, which carries up to six years in jail,” Dwi said, referring to the article on reckless driving that causes serious injury or the loss of life.

    He also said that Afriani did not have a valid driver’s licence and car registration.

    Yesmil Anwar, a legal expert from Padjadjaran University, said Indonesia did not apply cumulative sentences if suspects were found guilty of multiple charges.

    “The suspect is facing two charges, reckless driving and the use of narcotics, and in cases like this, the judges will of course pick [the charge carrying] the heaviest sentence,” Yesmil said.

    The expert added that the case pointed to a need to review the law, including drafting a specific article dealing with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    Edy Suandi Hamid, another legal expert and rector of the Indonesian Islamic University in Yogyakarta, said that the four, especially the driver, should be punished severely.

    “It should not be allowed to happen that this Xenia case leads to similar punishment as in other cases that do not nearly involve so many violations and so much suffering,” he said.

    Additional reporting by Carla Isati Octama & Mary A.R. Sembiring

    From the article above, we can conclude that the tragedy that had happen is a very serious tragedy. Well, I think, all the suspects must be punished based on the law especially the driver, Afriani Susanti. Because of her lack of concentration and the use of drugs before driving, this car accident could happen. Also the use of drugs and alchohol is very careless and irresponsible for someone who will drive a car. They can harm the people around them. On the whole, I think, the suspects must be punished as their responsibility of what they’ve done.

    From Little Baby Until Teenage Year

    Masa Kelahiran dan Balita

    Hari itu tanggal 30 Mei 1996, ibu melahirkan Dhea ke dunia. Dhea adalah anak pertama dari dua bersaudara dan juga merupakan cucu pertama. Dhea lahir pada jam 7.30 malam dengan berat 3,2 kg.
    Penulis diberi nama Dhea Audria. Nama ini diberikan kepada ibu Dhea karena sesuai perjanjian, jika anaknya perempuan maka ibu Dhea yang akan memberi nama. Sampai sekarang, Dhea masih tidak tahu apa arti namanya
    Saat umur satu tahun, Dhea diikutsertakan dalam lomba Bayi Sehat Sustagen. Kata ibu, Dhea saat proses penilaian, penulis susah diatur dan tidak mau berdiri. Setelah beberapa proses dan penilaian, Dhea mendapatkan juara harapan 2. 
    Saat umur tiga tahun baru lah ibu memasukkan Dhea ke playgroup Tunas Mekar Indonesia. Di sini, Dhea belajar membaca, berhitung, bernyanyi, dan menulis. Dhea pergi sekolah tiga kali seminggu. Di sekolah, Dhea belajar bersosialisasi dan mendapat banyak teman baru.
    Dhea mulai menjalani pendidikan Taman Kanak – Kanak di Tunas Mekar Indonesia pada umur empat tahun. Banyak sekali kegiatan yang diadakan sekolah Dhea saat itu, mulai dari lomba busana Hari Kartini, lomba 17 Agustus, mewarnai, dan masih banyak lagi. Dhea juga pernah menjadi petugas bendera saat masih TK.

    Saat acara kelulusan, Dhea dan teman – temannya menarikan tari Sampar. Dhea lulus dari Taman Kanak - Kanak pada tahun 2002 dengan hasil yang baik. Selanjutnya Dhea melanjutkan pendidikan sekolah dasar di SD Negeri 2 Rawalaut.

    Masa Anak - Anak
    Setelah selesai menjalani pendidikan di TK, Dhea melanjutkan sekolah di SDN 2 Rawalaut. Menurut ibu, proses pendaftaran penulis ke sekolah ini tidak sulit karena penulis memiliki umur yang cukup untuk masuk sekolah dasar.
    Pada saat pembagian kelas, seluruh murid – murid baru dikumpulkan di lapangan. Nama Dhea dipanggil pertama dan ternyata Dhea masuk ke kelas IA. 
    Saat kenaikan kelas dua, Dhea mendapat kelas IIA sehingga kelas Dhea masuk sekolah di pagi hari. Tidak seperti kelas yang lainnya. Dhea sempat tidak mau masuk sekolah karena tidak mau sekolah di pagi hari tapi akhirnya setelah dibujuk ayah, Dhea mau masuk sekolah.
    Di kelas III, Dhea mengikuti tes masuk kelas unggulan dan Dhea lulus sehingga masuk ke kelas IIIA. Wali kelas Dhea saat itu adalah Ibu Sumarni. Di kelas IVA, Dhea mendapat wali kelas bernama Ibu Pasaribu. Beliau adalah guru yang sedikit ‘nyentrik’ dan lucu. Walau begitu, Ibu Pasaribu adalah orang yang tegas sehingga muridnya segan dan tidak berani berbuat macam-macam. 
         Sampai kelas VIA, Dhea masih dekat dengan sahabat – sahabatnya dari kelas V. Di kelas VI ini, penulis mendapat wali kelas bernama Ibu Titik. Beliau adalah guru yang disiplin. Karena sudah kelas VI, Dhea mulai memikirkan akan melanjutkan ke SMP mana. Teman – teman Dhea banyak yang berencana mendaftarkan diri ke program RSBI di SMPN 2 Bandar Lampung. Ada juga yang ingin mendaftarkan diri ke program RSBI SMPN 1 Bandar Lampung. Setelah berpikir panjang dan dengan dukungan orang tua, Dhea pun mendaftarkan diri ke SMPN 2 Bandar Lampung. Setelah melalui beberapa tes, Dhea pun lulus dan menjadi calon siswa SMPN 2 Bandar Lampung. Setelah itu, Dhea mulai fokus pada UASBN yang akan dihadapi murid – murid SD agar bisa lulus. Dhea berhasil lulus dan mendapat peringkat ke 9 di kelasnya. 
     Ibu, Dhea, Dheriq (adik Dhea) dan Ayah

          Masa Remaja

    Setelah lulus dari SD, Dhea melanjutkan pendidikannya di SMPN 2 Bandar Lampung. Sekolah baru Dhea merupakan salah satu sekolah favorit di Lampung sehingga Dhea sangat senang dan bangga bisa menjadi siswi sekolah tersebut.
    Di kelas 7.2, pada hari pertama, wali kelas Dhea, Bapak Amran Rosidy, memperkenalkan dirinya. Kelas 7.2 adalah kelas yang asyik dan kompak dan sempat mewakili SMPN 2 Bandar Lampung dalam lomba karnaval FKAR dan berhasil meraih juara 3. 
    Kenaikan kelas pun datang. Dhea masuk ke kelas 8.1 bersama beberapa teman penulis dari kelas 7. Kelas tersebut adalah kelas yang paling kompak dan seru. Banyak hal – hal yang tidak terlupakan dialami Dhea dan teman – temannya di kelas ini. Saat semester 2, Dhea mendaftarkan diri sebagai anggota OSIS. Dhea mencalonkan diri sebagai Sekretaris Bidang 10: Komunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris dan setelah melewati beberapa proses, Dhea lulus dan menjadi anggota OSIS. Pada saat akan naik kelas 9, Dhea dan teman - teman sekelas  mengadakan perpisahan dengan berjalan – jalan dan makan bersama.

    Dhea paling kiri 
     Dhea barisan depan baju biru
     Dhea paling kiri
    Dhea paling atas
    Di kelas 9, Dhea mendapat kelas 9.3 dengan wali kelas Ibu Suprihatin. Dhea sangat senang bisa masuk di kelas ini karena sebagian teman – teman dekat dhea sekelas dengan Dhea. Kelas 9-3 juga pernah mengadakan buka puasa bersama dan menginap bersama di Tabek Indah. 

    Dhea yang ditengah
    Satu hal yang tidak bisa dilupakan Dhea yaitu saat Dhea berulang tahun yang ke-15. Saat itu libur sehingga Dhea tetap tinggal di rumah. Tidak disangka di pagi hari sepupu Dhea sudah ada di depan rumah untuk mengajak Dhea ke rumah eyang yang jaraknya lumayan dekat dengan rumah Dhea. Saat keluar gerbang, muncul semua teman – teman Dhea. Mereka berlari dan melempar Dhea dengan telur, terigu dan air. Saat itu juga ada ayah Dhea. Dhea dan teman – teman Dhea pun tertawa gembira.
    Akhir tahun pelajaran sudah tiba. Dhea dan seluruh murid kelas 9 menghadapi UN yang terdiri dari empat pelajaran. Alhamdulillah, Dhea mendapatkan hasil yang memuasakan dengan NEM 36.60. Selain itu, Dhea juga berhasil masuk dan menjadi calon siswa baru SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. Dhea berada di urutan 58 dari 242 siswa. Dhea merasa senang sekali karena Dhea bisa membanggakan orang tua. Setelah tiga tahun Dhea dan teman – teman penulis menjalani pendidikan di SMP dan akhirnya lulus, sekolah mengadakan Pesta Pelepasan Siswa/i Kelas 9 Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011. Dhea mengenakan kebaya berwarna merah muda. Teman Dhea juga semuanya mengenakan kebaya. Untuk laki – laki, mereka mengenakan jas dan kemeja. Setiap kelas mendapat giliran foto bersama. Di penghujung hari, Dhea dan teman – teman kelas Dhea melakukan ‘Photo Session’ di Citra Garden. Banyak sekali foto yang Dhea dan teman – teman Dhea ambil. Hal itu menutup hari – hari Dhea di SMP dengan Manis.
    Dhea paling kiri barisan kedua
     Dhea paling kiri
     Dhea yang paling kanan
    Akhirnya masa sma datang. Saat itu, pra MOS dan MOS dijadwalkan 6 hari sebelum masuk sekolah. Dhea tidak bisa mengikuti pra MOS karena sedang dalam perjalanan bersama keluarga. Dhea baru masuk saat MOS.  Kelompok MOS saat itu dibagi dan diberi nama sesuai nama makanan. Dhea masuk ke kelompok Papeda. Setelah MOS selama 3 hari, Dhea dan semua siswa baru SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung memulai kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kelas pun dibagikan. Penulis masuk ke kelas X2. Di kelas X2, sebagian murid berasal dari sekolah yang sama dengan Dhea sehingga Dhea tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam beradaptasi. Selama di kelas X2, Dhea dan teman – teman sekelasnya pernah mengadakan buka puasa bersama. Karena masih anak baru, belum banyak yang bisa diceritakan Dhea pada masa SMA ini tapi yang jelas, masih banyak pengalaman – pengalaman menyenangkan yang akan didapat Dhea di masa SMA ini.
    Dhea paling kanan